First, a style sheet.
This is Heading 1
This is Heading 2
This is Heading 3
This is normal text.
Links do this.
When you have a brand new book, here are all the places you need to put it:
It needs its own page. I have included a template page. Please duplicate it before using. Put the new book inside the correct index stack. You can accomplish this by dragging it in the PAGES menu.
Then, add the cover (in plain old rectangle format) to the ALL COVERS portfolio. (Find this portfolio under Not Linked in the PAGES menu.)
After you upload the cover, double click on the thumbnail to open the dialogue box. Then, under “options” link the cover to its book page. Use a CONTENT link and scroll to find the book page.
Also, before you save the dialogue box, give it a “category” corresponding to the correct series.
When you have a brand new series, you will first need to: